
Video Submission Campaign for the New 3776 Album

The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2024 at midnight (Japan time). For more details about the campaign, please see this blog post: https://ameblo.jp/m-3776/entry-12870575992.html

Video Data

When submitting, please use a file transfer service such as Dropbox and provide us with the URL. Please be aware that we will edit the submitted video.

Your Video URL:
Your Name or Nickname:

It will be displayed with your video if it is selected.

Your Profile:

When your video is selected, it will be added next to your name or nickname. You can write your country's name, but you can also add details such as your occupation.

Text (optional):

If you submit your video in a native language other than English, we would appreciate it if you could also enter text about the content. And also if you have any additional information, such as a password required to download the video, please enter it here.

Shipping Information

These are required for gift shipping when your video is selected.

Your Email Address.:
Your Name:

If it is the same as the name on the video data, you do not need to fill it in.

Your Address: